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Things to Know About Academic Bank of Credits in India

Things to Know About Academic Bank of Credits in India
  • By EDHR
  • 23-Feb-2024

The landscape of education in India is undergoing a transformative phase, aiming to make learning more flexible, interdisciplinary, and integrated. At the heart of this transformation is the introduction of the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC), a novel initiative under the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. This concept, while simple in its essence, promises to revolutionise the way students and educators approach learning and teaching in India. Let's delve deeper into the intricacies of the Academic Bank of Credits, its utility for students, and the pivotal role teachers play in this innovative educational framework.

What is the Academic Bank of Credits?

The Academic Bank of Credits is an academic service mechanism designed to facilitate the accumulation, transfer, and redemption of academic credits earned by students. It operates similar to a financial bank, where instead of monetary savings, students deposit their earned academic credits. These credits can be accumulated over a period of time and across different institutions, enabling students to tailor their educational journeys according to their interests, pace, and career aspirations.

The ABC system allows for a flexible education model where students can earn credits from different institutions (including online platforms offering Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs) that are recognised under the framework. This system ensures that credits are securely stored in a digital format and can be redeemed by the students to meet the requirements for obtaining a degree, diploma, or certificate from their chosen institution.

Why is it Useful to Students?

The introduction of the Academic Bank of Credits is a boon for students for several reasons:

  1. Flexibility: ABC offers unprecedented flexibility in learning. Students can choose courses across disciplines, irrespective of the traditional boundaries of streams, thus promoting interdisciplinary learning.
  2. Pace: It acknowledges that every student has a unique pace of learning. Students can accumulate credits at their own pace without the pressure of completing a degree within a rigid timeframe.
  3. Mobility: The system facilitates academic mobility. Students have the liberty to switch institutions or pause their education, if need be, without losing the credits they have already earned.
  4. Recognition: Credits earned through online platforms or short-term courses from recognised institutions can also be banked, encouraging students to pursue varied learning experiences.

What Should Teachers Know About Academic Bank of Credits?

Teachers and educators play a crucial role in the successful implementation of the ABC system. Here's what they need to know:

  1. Understanding the Framework: Educators must familiarise themselves with the operational framework of ABC, including the process of credit allocation, accumulation, and redemption.
  2. Curriculum Integration: Teachers should understand how the courses they offer integrate into the broader curriculum and how credits from these courses can be utilised towards degree completion.
  3. Advisory Role: Educators are also advisors. They need to guide students in choosing the right courses that align with their career goals while ensuring these courses are recognised under the ABC system.

This will include all types of courses offered by Higher Education Institutes that are recognised by the University Grants Commission (UGC). This includes graduation, postgraduation, PhD, diploma, and certificate courses. It covers courses taught through any method, including regular classroom courses, open/distance learning, and online courses. Courses from SWAYAM, NPTEL, V-Lab, and similar schemes are also eligible for the benefits provided by the Academic Bank of Credit.

How Can Teachers Help Students in Making an Academic Bank of Credits account?

Teachers can assist students in navigating the ABC system through the following ways:

  1. Informed Guidance: By staying informed about the courses offered across platforms and institutions that align with the ABC framework, teachers can guide students in making choices that complement their career aspirations and interests.
  2. Monitoring Progress: Educators can help students monitor their academic progress, ensuring they are on track to meet their degree requirements through the accumulation of the right credits.
  3. Encouraging Exploration: Teachers can encourage students to explore interdisciplinary courses, facilitating a holistic education that goes beyond traditional subject boundaries.
  4. Promoting Online Learning: With the recognition of online courses in the ABC framework, teachers should promote the inclusion of MOOCs and other online learning platforms to diversify the learning experience.

The Academic Bank of Credits stands as a testament to India's commitment to fostering an education system that is dynamic, inclusive, and aligned with the needs of the 21st century. By allowing students to craft their educational journeys, the ABC not only empowers learners but also challenges educators to adapt and thrive in this new paradigm.

For students, the ABC opens up a world of possibilities, making education a truly personalised experience. For teachers, it presents an opportunity to mentor and guide students through an educational landscape that values flexibility, interdisciplinary learning, and continuous exploration.

As we move forward, the success of the Academic Bank of Credits in reshaping the educational framework in India will depend largely on the collaborative efforts of students, educators, institutions, and policymakers. It is a journey towards creating a more inclusive, flexible, and learner-centric education system that prepares students not just for examinations, but for life.

And as teachers, it is essential to keep updating oneself on all the innovative things happening in the arena of education so that you can serve your student community better. This also helps in taking well-informed decisions. Are you a teacher looking for teaching jobs? Then check out these openings in our website.

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